Published September 27th, 2019
15 enthusiastic, pro-active umpires came together today at Sporttitalo, the Finnish National Olympic Committee building in Helsinki, to start two days of advanced ECB/ICC Stage 3 umpiring training and on-field match management.
This represents another massive step in developing a strong pool of quality umpires to manage the future expanding cricket programme in Finland by dynamic interaction and sharing of best practice amongst the group. The course lead tutor is Rob Smith, County Education Officer for Yorkshire & ECB, ably assisted by Cricket Finland’s Jari Schabel.
Rob will close this initiative-packed weekend with tutor training on Sunday morning, helping Finland build a domestic, self-sustainable umpire development programme with a pathway to our league umpire panels and ultimately to the international stage.
#cricketforall #umpiringtalent #krikettiäkaikille