


The Finnish Cricket Association (FCA) is the governing body for all cricket played in Finland. To safeguard the image and reputation of the sport, the FCA has imposed a sanctioning regime for matches and competitions played in Finland.

In December 2024, the FCA Board has authorized the League Director Manoj Thavayogarajah to make decisions on sanctioning events.

For further information, please contact .

Sanctioning matches and competitions organised in Finland

All matches and competitions that are not organised by the Finnish Cricket Association must be sanctioned by the FCA if the participants include FCA member clubs or players who possess a valid player license.

To sanction an event, the FCA generally requires the organiser to fulfil the following basic conditions:

  • The event is covered by a third party liability insurance (events by Member Clubs of the FCA are automatically covered)
  • The organiser has taken appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the players and spectators
  • The organiser provides appropriate first aid during the event
  • All players acquire a license from the Finnish Cricket Association
  • The organiser delivers or makes available to the FCA immediately after the match or competition team lists, scorecards, and final standings from the match or competition

Please submit your application through this form.

Organisers are requested to submit their sanctioning applications at least six weeks before the planned event.

Exception: Friendly domestic matches involving at least one FCA member club

If the match does not form a part of a larger competition, and both clubs are Finnish, the FCA Board has decided that the match is automatically sanctioned as approved cricket, provided that the following requirements are met:

  1. The match is between two Finnish clubs, at least one of which is a FCA member club
  2. The match does not coincide with a league match for any participating member club
  3. One participating member club notifies the FCA of the match in advance (using the form link above)

Sanctioning decisions

Below you can find completed and pending sanctioning decisions made by the Board of the Finnish Cricket Association and bodies to which the Board has delegated its sanctioning powers.

Approved events are classified as approved cricket. Further conditions may have been imposed for the sanctioning of the event. When an event has been approved, licensed players may participate in the event without No-Objection Certificates, and FCA member clubs are allowed to post teams to participate in the event.

Unsanctioned events have not been classified as approved cricket. No-Objection Certificates must be acquired by licensed players and FCA member clubs to participate in the event. Participation without a NOC is penalised according to relevant FCA rules.

The reason for an event being classified as unsanctioned can also be that the organiser(s) have not contacted the Technical Director for sanctioning, but information regarding the planned event has been received through other channels.

Disapproved events have not been classified as approved cricket and participation in them is not permitted under the relevant FCA and ICC rules. No-Objection Certificates will not be granted to licensed players and FCA member clubs for participating in the event. Participation is penalised according to relevant FCA rules.

Events for which the application is still In Process are being considered by the relevant body and events for which the application has been Retracted did not receive a decision before the organiser decided to abort the process.

For more information on sanctioning decisions, please contact

Status Event Dates Location Organiser Authority Notes
Approved Viapori Cup 7.9.2024 Helsinki Merisotakoulun Krikettikerho TD Hardball
Approved Bangladesh Super League Outdoor 2024 13.–14.7.2024 Espoo Bengal Tigers CC TD
Approved Finn-Bangla 2024 6.–7.7.2024 Turku Turku Tigers TD
Approved Helsinki Cricket Cup 29.–30.6.2024 Helsinki and Vantaa Arctic Wolves CC TD Hardball
Approved Tampere Champions Cup 8.–9.6.2024 Tampere Tampere Bengal Sporting ry TD
Unsanctioned Tam-Bangla Premier League 25.–26.5.2024 Tampere Tampere Bengal Sporting ry TD Talent hunt event
Approved Bharat Premier League 100 18.5.–20.7.2024 Espoo TCAF ry TD
Approved Hobby Cricket League – Season 2 4.5.–20.6.2024 Espoo Espoo Hobby Sports ry TD
Approved FINTA T10 Cricket Tournament 4.5.–12.5.2024 Espoo FinCricket Club TD
Approved Turku Indoor Tournament 20.4.2024 Turku Turku United CC TD
Retracted Viapori Cup 3.9.2023 Helsinki Merisotakoulun Krikettiklubi TD Hardball
Approved Summer Hobby Cricket League 5.5.–29.7.2023 Espoo Espoo Hobby Sports ry TD Start permission given
Unsanctioned Tampere Champions Cup 9.–11.6.2023 Tampere Tam Bangla Society TD Contact sought with organisers.
Unsanctioned Tam Bangla Premier League 26.–28.5.2023 Tampere Tam Bangla Society TD Contact sought with organisers.
Approved Summer T20 Cricket Tournament 5.5.–16.7.2023 Espoo Liikunta Mahdollisuus Kaikille ry TD
Approved Finn-Bangla 22.–23.7.2023 Kuopio AWCC TD
Approved Bangladesh Super League Summer 2023 15.–16.7.2023 Espoo BTCC TD
Approved Helsinki Cricket Cup 8.–9.7.2023 Helsinki AWCC TD
Approved Bangladesh Super League Winter 2023 26.2.2023 Espoo BTCC TD
Approved Finn-Bangla 23.-25.7.2021 Espoo AWCC, BTCC TD
Approved Helsinki Cricket Cup 16.-17.7.2021 Vantaa Arctic Wolves Cricket Club TD
Approved Viapori Cup 5.9.2020 Helsinki Merisotakoulun Kriketti Klubi TD Hobby event
Approved Fin-Fun T20 27.8.-9.9.2020 Helsinki VCC, HCC, FPC TD
Approved SevenZer 29.8.2020 Helsinki Nepal CC TD
Approved Soft Ball Cricket League 14-15.8.2020 Espoo Shaurya CC TD
Retracted Independence Cup 14-15.8.2020 Kauniainen FinCricket Club TD Cancelled
Approved Finn-Bangla 1-2.8.2020 Pietarsaari Sukanta Saha etc TD Rescinded and reissued
Approved Helsinki Cricket Cup 24-25.7.2020 Vantaa Club’71 Kriketti Seura TD
Approved Turku Indoor Tournament 18.4.2020 Turku Turku United Cricket Club FCA Board Cancelled