When a cricket / multisport club wishes to apply for membership of the Finnish Cricket Association (Cricket Finland), they need to follow these steps:
1. Write a free-format message requesting your club to be considered for membership of FCA. Please address this message to the email address. In 2024-5, the primary contact person handling new club memberships is the CF Development Director, Maija Scamans.
2. To accompany that message, the following documents are required:
2.1 A copy of the club’s board or committee signed meeting minutes, where the decision was made to apply for membership in Cricket Finland.
2.2 a copy of the club constitution, already approved by the Patent & Registry Office (PRH); find full details of the PRH club/association set up here: https://prh.fi/en/yhdistysrekisteri/perustaminen.html
2.3 the club “electronic register extract” document from the PRH digital register, to confirm the club’s business ID number as well as the confirmed signatories of the club.
2.4 to support the application, attach a copy of your member register. Please note that maintaining a digital member register is a legal requirement in Finland for any registered club or association. Please add in this register any current (2024) CF club details from your member who will be/or has already moved to your club from another. The member register should include first name, surname, existing club name (or “no club”, if the person is not a member of another club), gender, age.
2.5 if a club bank account already exists when making this application, include a screenshot from your online banking provider of your club bank account IBAN number, showing also the account owner (=club name). Note, if the club bank account doesn’t exist yet, then it will be a formal requirement once a new club commences activity as a CF member. Banks will not approve the creation of a club bank account until all the abovementioned formal club documents have been created and approved.
2.6 each CF member club is required to provide an official club email address, which will be the main channel for communications and must be actively administered by the club throughout the year. Please advise of your club email address with the membership application.
2.7 include with your application any development plans for the club, and in particular what activities are planned for developing women and junior cricket (these will strengthen your membership application, when reviewed by the CF board).
3. Finally, if your club does not currently already have a digital platform for administering your club members, then CF makes a strong guideline that any new club will commit to use Suomisport for its club administration from the outset of activities. More information of this will be provided and user training given in English by the Olympic Committee team in association with CF office.
Membership applications to CF should be written in Finnish or English. Once all the above is completed, all new membership applications and supporting documents are provided to the CF board for review and conclusion.
If your new club is planning to participate in the following summer leagues, the member registration process must be initiated by November of the previous year. For example, if you are planning to play in the 2026 summer leagues, then the process must be initiated by November 2025